We don’t have a purpose built venue. Our events are held at a variety of locations throughout Perth and its surrounds. Past events have been held at locations such as swingers clubs, nightclubs, charter boats, party buses, mansions and custom designed warehouses. New venues and ideas are always welcome so get in touch if you know of something available with sex appeal.

Enthusiastic consent is mandatory at every 3sm events. If you wish to engage in any manner ask first. A nonverbal response is not be taken as a yes. Anything other than enthusiastic consent should be taken as a no. Consent breaches will not be tolerated in any form and will result in removal and a ban from future events.

Safe sex practises and pre event STI screenings are also highly encouraged. Any undue pressure to engage in unsafe sexual practices will also result in removal from premises.

Most events are themed. Dressing to theme is highly encouraged. If this is not something that appeals smart and sexy attire will suffice.

Our guests range from early 20s to early 40s, handpicked to ensure quality of both character and appearance, with new attendees always welcome into the fold. Leave your judgement at the door.

Phones are welcome in the social zones at our events though we do ask guests to be considerate of others and ask permission before taking pics in their vicinity. We also have an official photographer who will be taking photos at most events. If you do not wish to have your picture taken simply let our photographer/another guest know and it will be taken onboard. Phones/photos are NOT to be taken in the playzones.

Any official photos taken remain the property of 3SM events and can only be used with express permission. They can be viewed in our event galleries in the members section with some also displayed in our private album on RedHotPie. These are only available to party guests to view.

No. Your level of participation is completely of your own volition. Come to socialise or play to your hearts content. Dress up or dress down. The choice is always yours. 3SM events is a pressure free environment.

3SM events will not be held liable for any injury and/or loss of property as a result of your attendance at one of our events. While we will do our utmost to ensure the safety of both our patrons and their belongings we can not guarantee anything. As such we ask everyone to look out for each other at all times and encourage people to leave any expensive belongings at home. We have hosts at every event you can approach if you feel unsafe in any manner and do our best to return any lost property found post party.

We also ask our patrons to respect hosts, the venue and fellow event attendees with the highest regard to ensure we all go home safely. We very much encourage everyone attending to be drink aware at all times also.

The 4G brand is dedicated to smaller gatherings which are heavily focused on group sexual play. These include greedy girl gatherings, gangbangs, orgies and the like. While these still remain social the focus is more on the play aspect of the lifestyle and as such we recommend only those who wish to partake in such activities attend.

After clicking on the “Book Now” button you will be directed to the TryBooking ticketing page to purchase a ticket. Events are password protected to ensure only those who have been vetted can gain entry to an event. To get a password you will need to contact us directly prior to purchase. Website members who have passed the screening process will have direct access to events and a window for Earlybird specials should they be available.

You can also register interest in the Events section of RedHotPie and we will get in contact with you ASAP from there. Each event will also have it’s own groupchat hosted on RHP. Guest accounts are all that are needed to access this and are free to one and all.

We have 3 ticketing categories: Couples, Single Females & Single Males. Limits apply and pricing structure changes depending on the event. Refunds are not available up to 7 days prior to any event. Other arrangements may be negotiable. Ticket transfers to others without prior approval will not be honoured.