STIs & Testing

  • So you’ve just bought your ticket to a 3SM Event, and the excitement is palpable. In preparation, you’ve planned your outfit and booked in any personal maintenance appointments you need before the big day. Look at you being all prepared!

In your planning, don’t forget to include some of the essentials:

  • Have an STI test at least 2 weeks before the event
  • Talk to your doctor about the potential for taking PrEP (a daily pill that can prevent acquiring HIV)
  • Stock up on condoms, dams, and lube (although lube & condoms will be provided at the event).
  • Also, remember to test in the weeks following the event. If you are sexually active with multiple partners or engage in casual sex, its recommended to test every 3-6 months. A little bit of forward planning can be hugely helpful for your sexual health and the sexual health of others.

To find out where you can get tested, visit the WAAC website 

Stay safe!


When is consent needed:

  • Before touching someone
  • If you’re about to change it up/do something new
  • If you are taking photos or videos with someone in it
  • If you are watching other people’s encounters
  • Enthusiastic consent is mandatory at 3SM Events. Only act on consent that is clearly given. If it is unclear or a person seems unsure, take this as a no. If you do not get a definitive yes, drop the subject and move along. If someone says no to you, accept the no (and try not to take any rejections personally).
  • Many people may feel uncomfortable or embarrassed to say no, especially at an event. Be mindful of your own willingness to participate, it is ok to not do anything if you do not feel comfortable. Attending an event does not mean consenting to all activities.
  • Consent is specific, saying yes for one activity is not consent for another. You should always ask your partner/s for explicit consent before changing it up and doing something new. Instead of a singular conversation at the start, make consent an ongoing practice/conversation.
  • Consent is completely reversible; someone can change their mind and say no at any time. When someone says no or to stop, this is a definitive no. Do not continue what you are doing or continue to pursue them.
  • Alcohol and other drugs can impact someone’s ability to provide consent. If someone is intoxicated and you are unsure if they’re able to give consent or continue consenting, stop what you are doing and do not pursue activities with them.

If you see something that concerns you, let the organisers and/or security know. Breaches of consent are not tolerated and will result in the removal from the event.